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A travesty of justice cost an innocent young man’s life. He can’t let it happen again …

Waco, Texas, 1894. It’s a bustling cotton and railroad town with four colleges and thirty-five churches, but it’s also a place where twice that many brothels flourish in a legalized red-light district known as the Reservation. Late one night at Miss Jessie’s sporting house, a gunshot brings the horrified madam running, only to discover the apparent shooter passed out cold on the floor, naked, with a blood-stained derringer inches away and the victim lifeless on the bed.

When his old war buddy begs Catfish Calloway to defend his accused youngster, the seasoned lawyer is reluctant. He has never forgiven himself for losing his last murder case, the most important of his career. Rattled by that failure, he worries he’s lost his touch, but he can’t refuse his friend.

With a short list of suspects and little hard evidence, Calloway realizes he’s the only one who believes his client. And with powerful city leaders eager to make an example of the accused, he’s terrified he’ll let his friend down, and another innocent person will swing.

Can Calloway save his client from the gallows?

The Sporting House Killing is the first book in the Catfish Calloway for the Defense legal thriller series. If you like courtroom drama, captivating characters, and rich historical backdrops, you’ll love this tale.